OAS 3.1.0
This reference documents all request parameters and responses.
Not compatible with the repository version as RapidAPI affects some of the responses.
API Key (X-RapidAPI-Key)
Client Libraries
This reference documents all request parameters and responses.
Not compatible with the repository version as RapidAPI affects some of the responses.
Executes the provided code snippet.
Request body
The source code, base64 encoded
Language ID of the submitted code
Compiler arguments separated by spaces
Execution timeout in seconds
Standard input passed to the execution
Key-value pairs to add to the environment
curl --request POST \
--url https://whipcode.p.rapidapi.com/run \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"code": "ENCODED_CODE",
"language_id": 1,
"env": {
"stdout": "…",
"stderr": "…",
"container_age": 0.4347,
"timeout": false
Successful request